Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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The coat of ice flame who has become dilapidated, torn into a one hands injured traces of some Samsam embarrassed.
The flame of ice relief, take this opportunity to quickly drilled from the encirclement of the crowd out, went straight to their own room.
changes, but he could not say in the end to where has changed.
not sealed, and I used to climb out of these two things. Ice flame is the truth, but not all the details here. At that time, the moment of the collapse of the ice cracks, he adjusted the direction of their own fall, to jump to go to the narrowest point of the crack below the same time, he broke out all his Phoenix energy point of spiritual power and the body's attempt to control the collapse of the head on the ice when left at a small gap, so that their own escape. However, the collapse of the ice volume is too large, not as undesirable as a good control to that of the ice flame The relatively weak mental strength beyond the control of energy points, simply like a drop in the bucket compared with the energy driven by the collapse ice would not achieve the slightest effect.
Ice flame and did not give up, still fully pushed TV drama about bitter dried spiritual power, doing the last vestiges of efforts, Yi Wang a miracle can happen.
However, the location of the ice collapse has not changed, at this critical moment, ice flame chest golden suddenly Dasheng, a huge mass of golden flames while on the crashing impact is falling to the ice ...
youth previously envisaged, and soon his body will be the ice crack off the ground only a dozen meters deep narrow to get stuck, no longer falling.
Fortunately,cheap steelers jerseys, when the ice flame woke up from a coma, he was surprised by the spiritual power of his overdraft has been adequate supplementary Not only that, he also found that the repair of his mental strength more than ever actually enhance a big step, the juvenile can not help but sigh: However, ice flame did not expect that subtle changes in appearance and temperament of their own because of the enhancement of the spiritual power, the delicate and sensitive Qinlao actually be aware of, although he is not so sure.
Base resumed normal busy scene,new york knicks basketball jersey, ice flame continues his statisticians and Qinlao, hand doctor prank, but are more concerned than before the ice flame, from time to time ran the flame of the body left in the ice pinch, right pinch, in his words: let alone out when the snow-sealed ice cracks, the flame child must be

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