Monday, December 24, 2012

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Once people grab the cake into a fight, then we pocketed the cake will come out. Up around us is full of danger, so we must always have to be vigilant. is slowly rising from the back of the planet, the golden light.
With the the stars turned slowly from the back of an unknown red planet, a fleet finally exposed the towering five hundred warships studded muzzle, the two interstellar mothership and are constantly catapult recovery space fighter.
Looked, no matter from which direction all warships are presented to bow outward, powerful artillery is moving slowly, they are in a vigilant state. While all this is in order to protect that ship in the Fleet Central nondescript black small spacecraft in the the black spaceship ship is the number of rows of portholes exudes a charming white light, indeed, seem anxious era spacecraft invisible alternative.
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Slightly obese body is clearly and sofa spaceship the tune Mr. Ouyang slightly adjust the sitting position and said: . The old man said proudly.
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